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go to Une Pastorale en 1865. (A Pastoral in 1865.), from the series Au Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Une Pastorale en 1865. (A Pastoral in 1865.), from the series Au Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

4 February 1865
go to À la Campagne. (In the countryside.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

À la Campagne. (In the countryside.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

16 April 1859
go to (Chantant.) – Toi - qui - lis - dans - mon - Â - ME!.... ([Singing] – You - who - reads - my - Soul!....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

(Chantant.) – Toi - qui - lis - dans - mon - Â - ME!.... ([Singing] – You - who - reads - my - Soul!....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

12 February 1857 (?)
go to Un Pierrot blanc. (A White Pierrot.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Un Pierrot blanc. (A White Pierrot.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

11 February 1850
go to — Tiens, voilà Mr. Poitevin qui passe….. (— Look, Mr. Poitevin is flying…..), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

— Tiens, voilà Mr. Poitevin qui passe….. (— Look, Mr. Poitevin is flying…..), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari

18 September 1850
go to — Mossieure le maire ayant défendu qu'on ne se baigne en cet endroit (—The Mayor having forbidden swimming at this location), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

— Mossieure le maire ayant défendu qu'on ne se baigne en cet endroit (—The Mayor having forbidden swimming at this location), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari

30 August 1850
go to Pas Champêtre (Country Dance), from the series A la campagne (In the Countryside), in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Pas Champêtre (Country Dance), from the series A la campagne (In the Countryside), in Le Charivari

24 August 1850
go to —Tiens, c’est un artiste! dort. (—Look, it’s an artist!...he is sleeping.), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

—Tiens, c’est un artiste! dort. (—Look, it’s an artist!...he is sleeping.), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari

10 May 1850
go to De plus en plus fanatique des exercices du Cirque olympique (More and more addicted to the Olympic Circus practices), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

De plus en plus fanatique des exercices du Cirque olympique (More and more addicted to the Olympic Circus practices), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

30 July 1850
go to Scène d'intérieur. (Domestic Scene.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Scène d'intérieur. (Domestic Scene.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

27 December 1850
go to "C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

19 December 1849
go to Un braconnier surpris au gîte. (A poacher surprised at home.), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Un braconnier surpris au gîte. (A poacher surprised at home.), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari

4 October 1849
go to UNE ÉDUCATION DIFFICILE (A DIFFICULT EDUCATION), from the series Croquis du Jour (Sketch of the Day), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

UNE ÉDUCATION DIFFICILE (A DIFFICULT EDUCATION), from the series Croquis du Jour (Sketch of the Day), published in Le Charivari

3 August 1849
go to "Henriette, faut pas l'écouter….. (– Henriette, don’t listen to him,…..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"Henriette, faut pas l'écouter….. (– Henriette, don’t listen to him,…..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

4 January 1849
go to Première occupation d'un citoyen qui vient d'être n]ouvellement nommé représentant. (First task of a citizen who just was appointed representative.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Première occupation d'un citoyen qui vient d'être n]ouvellement nommé représentant. (First task of a citizen who just was appointed representative.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

6 November 1849
go to Une copie qui coûtera l'original (A copy that will cost the original), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Une copie qui coûtera l'original (A copy that will cost the original), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

October 22, 1849
go to Barricades! (Barricades!), from the series La Guerre des femmes (The Womens’ War), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Barricades! (Barricades!), from the series La Guerre des femmes (The Womens’ War), published in Le Charivari

18 November 1849
go to "Parole d'honneur, Melle. Chose" (— On my honor, Miss Thing), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"Parole d'honneur, Melle. Chose" (— On my honor, Miss Thing), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

10 February 1848
go to Bas-bleu, en train de composer un volume sur les devoirs (Blue-stocking, in the Process of Composing a Volume on the Duties of Motherhood), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities) page

Edouard de Beaumont

Bas-bleu, en train de composer un volume sur les devoirs (Blue-stocking, in the Process of Composing a Volume on the Duties of Motherhood), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities)

27 December 1848
go to Enlèvement d'une barricade, par les gardes mobiles. (Removal of a barricade, by the national guard.), from the series Souvenirs des Journees de Juin, 1848 (Souvenirs of June 1848), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Enlèvement d'une barricade, par les gardes mobiles. (Removal of a barricade, by the national guard.), from the series Souvenirs des Journees de Juin, 1848 (Souvenirs of June 1848), published in Le Charivari

1 July 1848