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go to "Bonjour, madame, comment vous portez vous?.." – Bonjour, madame, comment vous portez vous?.. (– Greetings, madam, how are you?..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"Bonjour, madame, comment vous portez vous?.." – Bonjour, madame, comment vous portez vous?.. (– Greetings, madam, how are you?..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

go to "C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"C'est l'propriétaire qui nous donne congé" (— It is the owner that gives us notice to leave), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

19 December 1849
go to "Comment, ma nièce, tu ne te rangeras donc pas" (— What, my niece, why won’t you straighten up), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"Comment, ma nièce, tu ne te rangeras donc pas" (— What, my niece, why won’t you straighten up), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

go to "Comment, mossieu Coquardeau, vous n'avez pas de honte de bassiner votre lit" (—Why, mister Coquardeau, aren’t you ashamed to warm your bed in April....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"Comment, mossieu Coquardeau, vous n'avez pas de honte de bassiner votre lit" (—Why, mister Coquardeau, aren’t you ashamed to warm your bed in April....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

go to "Henriette, faut pas l'écouter….. (– Henriette, don’t listen to him,…..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"Henriette, faut pas l'écouter….. (– Henriette, don’t listen to him,…..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

4 January 1849
go to "Parole d'honneur, Melle. Chose" (— On my honor, Miss Thing), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"Parole d'honneur, Melle. Chose" (— On my honor, Miss Thing), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

10 February 1848
go to "Tenez, mademoiselle (Look, Miss), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

"Tenez, mademoiselle (Look, Miss), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

go to (Chantant.) – Toi - qui - lis - dans - mon - Â - ME!.... ([Singing] – You - who - reads - my - Soul!....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

(Chantant.) – Toi - qui - lis - dans - mon - Â - ME!.... ([Singing] – You - who - reads - my - Soul!....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

12 February 1857 (?)
go to A Quatre heures du matin. (At Four in the Morning.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

A Quatre heures du matin. (At Four in the Morning.), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

go to A Trois heures du matin (At Three in the Morning), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

A Trois heures du matin (At Three in the Morning), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

go to Barricades! (Barricades!), from the series La Guerre des femmes (The Womens’ War), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Barricades! (Barricades!), from the series La Guerre des femmes (The Womens’ War), published in Le Charivari

18 November 1849
go to Bas-bleu, en train de composer un volume sur les devoirs (Blue-stocking, in the Process of Composing a Volume on the Duties of Motherhood), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities) page

Edouard de Beaumont

Bas-bleu, en train de composer un volume sur les devoirs (Blue-stocking, in the Process of Composing a Volume on the Duties of Motherhood), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities)

27 December 1848
go to C'est pourtant vrai… c'est bien mon portrait que vous avez fait là en deux minutes… (It’s true’s really my portrait that you did here in two minutes...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

C'est pourtant vrai… c'est bien mon portrait que vous avez fait là en deux minutes… (It’s true’s really my portrait that you did here in two minutes...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

14 October 1848
go to C'est son droit! (It’s his right!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense) published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

C'est son droit! (It’s his right!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense) published in Le Charivari

23 September 1848
go to Causus belli (Cause for War), from the series L’Opéra au XIXéme siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Causus belli (Cause for War), from the series L’Opéra au XIXéme siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari

go to Comme quoi sur la butte Montmartre, on ne cultive rien, pas même la vertu. (It just goes to show that on Montmartre nothing is grown, not even virtue.), from the series A la campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Comme quoi sur la butte Montmartre, on ne cultive rien, pas même la vertu. (It just goes to show that on Montmartre nothing is grown, not even virtue.), from the series A la campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari

26 October 1848
go to Comment, tu as encore été au bal cette nuit!..... (— What, you went to the ball again last night!.....), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Comment, tu as encore été au bal cette nuit!..... (— What, you went to the ball again last night!.....), from the series Al Bal Masqué (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari

go to De plus en plus fanatique des exercices du Cirque olympique (More and more addicted to the Olympic Circus practices), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

De plus en plus fanatique des exercices du Cirque olympique (More and more addicted to the Olympic Circus practices), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

30 July 1850
go to Dire que nous ne recevons que vingt cinq sous par soirée pour tenir notre emploi. (To think that we receive only twenty-five sous per night for our job….), from the series L'Opéra au XIXme. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Dire que nous ne recevons que vingt cinq sous par soirée pour tenir notre emploi. (To think that we receive only twenty-five sous per night for our job….), from the series L'Opéra au XIXme. Siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari

23 January 1845
go to Dis donc, Emilie……. pour une fois que j' suis enlevée….. j' nai pas d' chance!... (–Well, Emilie……. for once I am taken….. I really have no luck!...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont

Dis donc, Emilie……. pour une fois que j' suis enlevée….. j' nai pas d' chance!... (–Well, Emilie……. for once I am taken….. I really have no luck!...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari

25 August 1848