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go to Précautions inutiles (Unnecessary Precautions), from La Caricature page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Précautions inutiles (Unnecessary Precautions), from La Caricature
go to Gard à vous, blagueurs! portez arme! (Watch yourself, jokers! Carry arms!), published in La Caricature page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Gard à vous, blagueurs! portez arme! (Watch yourself, jokers! Carry arms!), published in La Caricature
go to Le grand prix de vertu. (The Grand Prize for Virtue.), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Le grand prix de vertu. (The Grand Prize for Virtue.), published in Le Charivari
13 March 1834
go to Les trois parques (The Three Fates), published in La Caricature page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Les trois parques (The Three Fates), published in La Caricature
20 March 1834
go to L'adoration du Veau D'or. (Worship of the golden calf.), published in La Caricature page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
L'adoration du Veau D'or. (Worship of the golden calf.), published in La Caricature
go to Marche. Marche toujours. (March. Always march.), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Marche. Marche toujours. (March. Always march.), published in Le Charivari
21 December 1834
go to "Charmant petit débardeur….." ("Charming little roustabout….."), from the series Bals Masqués (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Charmant petit débardeur….." ("Charming little roustabout….."), from the series Bals Masqués (At the Masquerade Ball), published in Le Charivari
10 December 1859
go to "Eh! ben, qué-qu'-t'as?.…" ("Well, what's up with you?....,"), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Eh! ben, qué-qu'-t'as?.…" ("Well, what's up with you?....,"), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities), published in Le Charivari
go to Une Rencontre à Dieppe (A Meeting in Dieppe), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Une Rencontre à Dieppe (A Meeting in Dieppe), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari
go to Elle est joliment gentille cette bouquetière là!.... (— She is prettily kind this flower vendor!....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Elle est joliment gentille cette bouquetière là!.... (— She is prettily kind this flower vendor!....), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to "Un vieux de la vieille, ("One of the old brigade,), from the series Les Pétitions Illustrées (Petitions Illustrated), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Un vieux de la vieille, ("One of the old brigade,), from the series Les Pétitions Illustrées (Petitions Illustrated), published in Le Charivari
13 October 1848
go to Par un bâton, (By a stick,), from the series Miroir Drolatique (Humorous Mirror), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Par un bâton, (By a stick,), from the series Miroir Drolatique (Humorous Mirror), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to Vue générale de la Tamise à Londres. (General view of the Tames in London.), from the series Mr. Trottman en Angleterre (Mr. Trottman in England), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Vue générale de la Tamise à Londres. (General view of the Tames in London.), from the series Mr. Trottman en Angleterre (Mr. Trottman in England), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to L'artiste s'épuise à indiquer les finesses répandues dans son oeuvre: (The Artist wears himself out trying to underscore the subtleties permeating his work:.), from the series Salon de 1841 (Salon of 1841), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
L'artiste s'épuise à indiquer les finesses répandues dans son oeuvre: (The Artist wears himself out trying to underscore the subtleties permeating his work:.), from the series Salon de 1841 (Salon of 1841), published in Le Charivari
go to Le grand Saigneur. (The high-and-mighty Leecher.), from the series Série polit. (Polit. Series), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Le grand Saigneur. (The high-and-mighty Leecher.), from the series Série polit. (Polit. Series), published in Le Charivari
22 December 1833
go to Attaque de L'entrée du Faubourg du Temple. (Attack at the entrance of the Faubourg du Temple), from the series Souvenirs des Journees de Juin, 1848 (Memories of June 1848), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Attaque de L'entrée du Faubourg du Temple. (Attack at the entrance of the Faubourg du Temple), from the series Souvenirs des Journees de Juin, 1848 (Memories of June 1848), published in Le Charivari
19 July 1848
go to Inconvénient de se promener dans la campagne en temps de recherches politiques. (Disadvantage of taking a walk in the country in time of political turmoil.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Inconvénient de se promener dans la campagne en temps de recherches politiques. (Disadvantage of taking a walk in the country in time of political turmoil.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari
after 1841
go to Le gibier qui est toujours le plus tentant. (The game that is always more tempting.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Le gibier qui est toujours le plus tentant. (The game that is always more tempting.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari
go to "Comme je suivrais cette femme là… si j'avais des bottes!" (How I would follow this woman here…if I had boots!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Comme je suivrais cette femme là… si j'avais des bottes!" (How I would follow this woman here…if I had boots!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "N'est-ce pas qu'il a tout à fait les yeux d'Ernest!....." (Doesn’t he have exactly Ernest eyes!...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page