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go to "A-t-on jamais vu…(-One has never seen that [can you believe it]....), from the series Les Gristettes (The working-class women), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier

"A-t-on jamais vu…(-One has never seen that [can you believe it]....), from the series Les Gristettes (The working-class women), published in Le Charivari

3 October 1845
go to "Ah! major, vous ne pourrez plus vous plaindre d'avoir mangé du cheval en 1812……" (Oh! Major, now you won't be able to complaint about having eaten some horse in 1812…….), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Ah! major, vous ne pourrez plus vous plaindre d'avoir mangé du cheval en 1812……" (Oh! Major, now you won't be able to complaint about having eaten some horse in 1812…….), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Ah! mon gaillard, tu viens pour voir ce qui se passe chez nous…" (Ah! My fellow, you came to see what's going on here….), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Ah! mon gaillard, tu viens pour voir ce qui se passe chez nous…" (Ah! My fellow, you came to see what's going on here….), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Ah! sapeur, vous m'agacez horriblement les nerfs……….." (Ah! Sapper, you are horribly getting on my nerves…..), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Ah! sapeur, vous m'agacez horriblement les nerfs……….." (Ah! Sapper, you are horribly getting on my nerves…..), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Allons bon!.... v'là le Breton qui s'amuse!....." (Oh well! is the Breton having fun!.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Allons bon!.... v'là le Breton qui s'amuse!....." (Oh well! is the Breton having fun!.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Dire pourtant qu'un si beau colosse va fondre, dès que ça chauffera un peu!..." (And to think that such a beautiful colossus is going to melt as soon as it will get a little warm!.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Dire pourtant qu'un si beau colosse va fondre, dès que ça chauffera un peu!..." (And to think that such a beautiful colossus is going to melt as soon as it will get a little warm!.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Dis-donc, c'est pas amusant d'marcher pendant deux heures sur le ventre (- Hey, isn't it amusing to crawl for two hours on our bellies), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Dis-donc, c'est pas amusant d'marcher pendant deux heures sur le ventre (- Hey, isn't it amusing to crawl for two hours on our bellies), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Eh! Mais j'y pense…. ce n'était peut-être pas pour ça qu'il avait apporté une corde….." (- Eh! Now that I think about it…. It is perhaps not for this that he brought a rope…..) from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Eh! Mais j'y pense…. ce n'était peut-être pas pour ça qu'il avait apporté une corde….." (- Eh! Now that I think about it…. It is perhaps not for this that he brought a rope…..) from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "En v'la-t-il un qu'est entrepreneur ….., le sargent !....... l'est'-y !.... l'est'-y !!!....." (There's one that's an entrepreneur …., the sargeant !........ aint he!.... aint he!!!.....), from the series Au Mexique (In Mexico) page

Charles Vernier

"En v'la-t-il un qu'est entrepreneur ….., le sargent !....... l'est'-y !.... l'est'-y !!!....." (There's one that's an entrepreneur …., the sargeant !........ aint he!.... aint he!!!.....), from the series Au Mexique (In Mexico)

go to "Enfin, je tiens donc un Montagnard écossais……… (At last, I got hold of a Scottish highlander………), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Enfin, je tiens donc un Montagnard écossais……… (At last, I got hold of a Scottish highlander………), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Enfin, je tiens donc un Montagnard écossais……… (At last, I got hold of a Scottish highlander………), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Enfin, je tiens donc un Montagnard écossais……… (At last, I got hold of a Scottish highlander………), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Fameux!.... encore une de nos billes qui a bien touché….." (Great!.... one more of our marbles that attained its target…..), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Fameux!.... encore une de nos billes qui a bien touché….." (Great!.... one more of our marbles that attained its target…..), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Le froid pince…….." (The cold bites……....), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Le froid pince…….." (The cold bites……....), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Par suite d'une fausse interprétation de mes ordres…" (As a result of a wrong interpretation of my orders……), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Par suite d'une fausse interprétation de mes ordres…" (As a result of a wrong interpretation of my orders……), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Pardon …. excuse mon Capitaine …… c'est le sol Mexicain qui fait des siennes!....." (Pardon …. excuse us Captain …… it's the Mexican ground that is up to its tricks again!.....), from the series Au Mexique (In Mexico) page

Charles Vernier

"Pardon …. excuse mon Capitaine …… c'est le sol Mexicain qui fait des siennes!....." (Pardon …. excuse us Captain …… it's the Mexican ground that is up to its tricks again!.....), from the series Au Mexique (In Mexico)

go to "Pourvusse qu'on n'ait pas l'envie de nous culotter à la mexicaine, à c't'heure!...…" (Let's hope that they don't take the fancy to make us wear pants designed after Mexican fashion, at this time!.…), from the series Au Mexique (In Mexico) page

Charles Vernier

"Pourvusse qu'on n'ait pas l'envie de nous culotter à la mexicaine, à c't'heure!...…" (Let's hope that they don't take the fancy to make us wear pants designed after Mexican fashion, at this time!.…), from the series Au Mexique (In Mexico)

go to "Qu'est-ce-que c'est que ça?...." (What's this?....), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Qu'est-ce-que c'est que ça?...." (What's this?....), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to "Tiens, tiens, parceque ça vous a des drapeaux qui n'osent pas s'montrer, (Aha, because it has flags it doesn't dare show,), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier

"Tiens, tiens, parceque ça vous a des drapeaux qui n'osent pas s'montrer, (Aha, because it has flags it doesn't dare show,), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)

go to C'était bien la peine que je lui brode une paire de bretelles….. (It was not worth for me to embroider a pair of suspenders for him…), from the series Les Gristettes (The working-class women), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier

C'était bien la peine que je lui brode une paire de bretelles….. (It was not worth for me to embroider a pair of suspenders for him…), from the series Les Gristettes (The working-class women), published in Le Charivari

go to Chez Desnoyers. (Chez Desnoyers.), from the series Physionomies des Bals Publics (Physiognomies of Public Balls), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier

Chez Desnoyers. (Chez Desnoyers.), from the series Physionomies des Bals Publics (Physiognomies of Public Balls), published in Le Charivari

after 1841