Search Results
go to À Novare. (In Novare), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
À Novare. (In Novare), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
22 June 1859
go to ___Ceci? C'est un emprunt que je viens de faire à Aladin (__This? This is a loan from Aladdin), from the series Actualitiés (Current Events) page

Charles Vernier
___Ceci? C'est un emprunt que je viens de faire à Aladin (__This? This is a loan from Aladdin), from the series Actualitiés (Current Events)
go to Une embuscade à laquelle se laisseront toujours prendre les Russes. (An ambush into which the Russians will always fall.), from the series Actualités (Current Events) page

Charles Vernier
Une embuscade à laquelle se laisseront toujours prendre les Russes. (An ambush into which the Russians will always fall.), from the series Actualités (Current Events)
go to Une besogne assommante. (A boring drudgery), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Une besogne assommante. (A boring drudgery), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to Une Politesse D'homme À Barbe À Homme Barbu (A civility from a man with a beard to a bearded man.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
Une Politesse D'homme À Barbe À Homme Barbu (A civility from a man with a beard to a bearded man.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to Un triomphe aussi agréable que périlleux. (A triumph as agreeable as perilous.), from the series Au Bal de L'Opéra (At the Ball of the Opera), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Un triomphe aussi agréable que périlleux. (A triumph as agreeable as perilous.), from the series Au Bal de L'Opéra (At the Ball of the Opera), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to Triomphe de la Cuisine Française (Triumph of French cuisine ), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
Triomphe de la Cuisine Française (Triumph of French cuisine ), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to Triomphe de la Cuisine Française (Triumph of French Cuisine), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
Triomphe de la Cuisine Française (Triumph of French Cuisine), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to Souvenirs de L'Exposition (Memories of the Fair), from the series Nouvelle Lanterne Magique (New Magic Lantern) page

Charles Vernier
Souvenirs de L'Exposition (Memories of the Fair), from the series Nouvelle Lanterne Magique (New Magic Lantern)
after 1841
go to Souvenirs & Regrets (Memories and regrets.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
Souvenirs & Regrets (Memories and regrets.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to Satanée porte comme elle résiste! (-Damned door! how it resists!), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Satanée porte comme elle résiste! (-Damned door! how it resists!), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
8 October 1849
go to Prodige de L'ébénisterie. (The wonders of furniture-making.), from the series Croquis du Jour (Sketch of the Day), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Prodige de L'ébénisterie. (The wonders of furniture-making.), from the series Croquis du Jour (Sketch of the Day), published in Le Charivari
21 July 1849
go to Lieutenant, où avez-vous pris votre brosseur? (— Lieutenant, where did you find your private?), from the series Croquis Militaires (Military Sketches), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Lieutenant, où avez-vous pris votre brosseur? (— Lieutenant, where did you find your private?), from the series Croquis Militaires (Military Sketches), published in Le Charivari
29 September 1848
go to Les nouveaux médecins de la République. (The new doctors of the Republic.), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Les nouveaux médecins de la République. (The new doctors of the Republic.), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
4 September 1849
go to Les chapeaux à la nouvelle mode. (New fashion hats.), from the series Actualités (News), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Les chapeaux à la nouvelle mode. (New fashion hats.), from the series Actualités (News), published in Le Charivari
18 December 1849
go to Les Députés du Congrès de la Paix au Camp Russe (The deputies of the peace congress at the Russian camp), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Les Députés du Congrès de la Paix au Camp Russe (The deputies of the peace congress at the Russian camp), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
go to Le débarquement en crimée (The landing in Crimea ), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
Le débarquement en crimée (The landing in Crimea ), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to Le bal Des Nègres. (The ball of the Negroes.), from the series Physionomies des Bals Publics (Physiognomies of Public Balls), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Le bal Des Nègres. (The ball of the Negroes.), from the series Physionomies des Bals Publics (Physiognomies of Public Balls), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to Le Jeu de Quilles au Camp (Skittles game at the camp.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient) page

Charles Vernier
Le Jeu de Quilles au Camp (Skittles game at the camp.), from the series Nos Troupiers en Orient (Our Soldiers in the Orient)
go to Le Jardin des Tuileries (The Tuileries Garden), from the series La Lanterne Magique (The Magic Lantern) page