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go to Untitled, from the portfolio The New York Collection for Stockholm page

Robert Whitman
Untitled, from the portfolio The New York Collection for Stockholm
go to Lulu, from the portfolio Metropolitan Opera Fine Art Collection II page

Tom Wesselmann
Lulu, from the portfolio Metropolitan Opera Fine Art Collection II
go to Scène diabolique. (Diabolic scene.), published in La Caricature page

Scène diabolique. (Diabolic scene.), published in La Caricature
go to Protestation de Badinguet (Badinguet Protest) page

E. Vidas
Protestation de Badinguet (Badinguet Protest)
go to Les nouveaux médecins de la République. (The new doctors of the Republic.), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Les nouveaux médecins de la République. (The new doctors of the Republic.), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
4 September 1849
go to Deux journaux qui se suivent quoique marchant en sens inverse. (-Two newspapers that follow each other, even though they are walking in opposite directions.), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Deux journaux qui se suivent quoique marchant en sens inverse. (-Two newspapers that follow each other, even though they are walking in opposite directions.), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
10 October 1849
go to La grisette Française (-The French Grisette), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
La grisette Française (-The French Grisette), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
19 November 1850
go to Satanée porte comme elle résiste! (-Damned door! how it resists!), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Satanée porte comme elle résiste! (-Damned door! how it resists!), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
8 October 1849
go to À Novare. (In Novare), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
À Novare. (In Novare), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
22 June 1859
go to Comment!..... vous aussi, chevalier Véron, vous passez au camp des démagogues!...... (– What!..... You too, chevalier Véron, you are passing into the camp of the demagogues!.......), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Comment!..... vous aussi, chevalier Véron, vous passez au camp des démagogues!...... (– What!..... You too, chevalier Véron, you are passing into the camp of the demagogues!.......), from the series Actualités (Current Events), published in Le Charivari
17 July 1850
go to Entrée de Napoléon Muzard. (Entrance of Napoleon Muzard.), from the series Au Bal de L'Opéra (At the Ball of the Opera), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Entrée de Napoléon Muzard. (Entrance of Napoleon Muzard.), from the series Au Bal de L'Opéra (At the Ball of the Opera), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to Un triomphe aussi agréable que périlleux. (A triumph as agreeable as perilous.), from the series Au Bal de L'Opéra (At the Ball of the Opera), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Un triomphe aussi agréable que périlleux. (A triumph as agreeable as perilous.), from the series Au Bal de L'Opéra (At the Ball of the Opera), published in Le Charivari
after 1841
go to La propagande. (Propaganda.), from the series Croquades Politiques (Rough Political Sketches), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
La propagande. (Propaganda.), from the series Croquades Politiques (Rough Political Sketches), published in Le Charivari
7 April 1849
go to Prodige de L'ébénisterie. (The wonders of furniture-making.), from the series Croquis du Jour (Sketch of the Day), published in Le Charivari page

Charles Vernier
Prodige de L'ébénisterie. (The wonders of furniture-making.), from the series Croquis du Jour (Sketch of the Day), published in Le Charivari
21 July 1849
go to Lieutenant, où avez-vous pris votre brosseur? (— Lieutenant, where did you find your private?), from the series Croquis Militaires (Military Sketches), published in Le Charivari page