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go to – Je vous aimerais tant?.. (– I would love you so much?..), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari page

E. Damourette
– Je vous aimerais tant?.. (– I would love you so much?..), from the series A La Campagne (In the Countryside), published in Le Charivari
go to "Eh! ben, qué-qu'-t'as?.…" ("Well, what's up with you?....,"), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Eh! ben, qué-qu'-t'as?.…" ("Well, what's up with you?....,"), from the series Fariboles (Frivolities), published in Le Charivari
go to Une Rencontre à Dieppe (A Meeting in Dieppe), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Une Rencontre à Dieppe (A Meeting in Dieppe), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari
go to Causus belli (Cause for War), from the series L’Opéra au XIXéme siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari page

Edouard de Beaumont
Causus belli (Cause for War), from the series L’Opéra au XIXéme siècle (The Opera in the 19th Century), published in Le Charivari
go to L'artiste s'épuise à indiquer les finesses répandues dans son oeuvre: (The Artist wears himself out trying to underscore the subtleties permeating his work:.), from the series Salon de 1841 (Salon of 1841), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
L'artiste s'épuise à indiquer les finesses répandues dans son oeuvre: (The Artist wears himself out trying to underscore the subtleties permeating his work:.), from the series Salon de 1841 (Salon of 1841), published in Le Charivari
go to Comme quoi à la campagne tout n'est pas roses. (It just goes to show that in the country everything is not roses), from the series A La Campagne (in the Country), published in Le Charivari page

Comme quoi à la campagne tout n'est pas roses. (It just goes to show that in the country everything is not roses), from the series A La Campagne (in the Country), published in Le Charivari
go to Le gibier qui est toujours le plus tentant. (The game that is always more tempting.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
Le gibier qui est toujours le plus tentant. (The game that is always more tempting.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in le Charivari
go to _Tiens! ma femme qui s'occupe aussi du magnétisme…(Oh ! my wife is also into magnetism…), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
_Tiens! ma femme qui s'occupe aussi du magnétisme…(Oh ! my wife is also into magnetism…), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to ___Mon ami, je mets un bonnet de coton parceque cela me fait plaisir. (My friend, I wear a night-cap because I like it.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
___Mon ami, je mets un bonnet de coton parceque cela me fait plaisir. (My friend, I wear a night-cap because I like it.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "Voilà pourtant où l'a conduit son obstination (Here is where his stubbornness […]led him.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Voilà pourtant où l'a conduit son obstination (Here is where his stubbornness […]led him.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "Ma maison a toujours été renommée pour la rigidité de ses mœurs (My business has always been renowned for the rigidity of its mores.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Ma maison a toujours été renommée pour la rigidité de ses mœurs (My business has always been renowned for the rigidity of its mores.), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "Oui, ma chère, c'est un vrai Prince Russe… (Yes, my dear, he is a real Russian Prince….), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Oui, ma chère, c'est un vrai Prince Russe… (Yes, my dear, he is a real Russian Prince….), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "Caroline, devine ce que j'ai derrière moi!" (-Caroline, guess what I have behind me!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Caroline, devine ce que j'ai derrière moi!" (-Caroline, guess what I have behind me!), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "Il parait que c'est une plante magnifique….." (It is said to be a magnificent plant...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"Il parait que c'est une plante magnifique….." (It is said to be a magnificent plant...), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to "C'est moi que vous avez peint, et pourtant je ne me reconnais pas!.." (This is me that you painted, and yet I don’t recognize myself!..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari page

Unknown (French, 19th century)
"C'est moi que vous avez peint, et pourtant je ne me reconnais pas!.." (This is me that you painted, and yet I don’t recognize myself!..), from the series Fariboles (Nonsense), published in Le Charivari
go to La marchande de coco. (The Licorice-drink merchant.), from the series Les Femmes de Paris (The Women of Paris), published in Le Charivari page

A. Géniot
La marchande de coco. (The Licorice-drink merchant.), from the series Les Femmes de Paris (The Women of Paris), published in Le Charivari
go to Une Leçon de Danse. (A Dance Lesson.), from the series Les Quartiers de Paris (The Neighborhoods of Paris), published in Le Charivari page

Fréderic Bouchot
Une Leçon de Danse. (A Dance Lesson.), from the series Les Quartiers de Paris (The Neighborhoods of Paris), published in Le Charivari
go to Etrennes à la France. (Gift to France.), published in La Mode page

Claude Jacque Jacquede Faicqurte Jacquand
Etrennes à la France. (Gift to France.), published in La Mode
go to Il m'en manquait un…… (I was missing one……), published in La Mode page