Colonizing the Past: Constructing Race in Ancient Greece and Rome
Teaching Gallery
Greek vases, marble sculptures, and other ancient works hint at how artists in antiquity visualized racial identity, often in ways quite different from our own. This Teaching Gallery exhibition presents a selection of ancient objects from the Museum's collection—including Greek vases from the early fourth century BCE to the third century CE—alongside a range of drawings, paintings, and sculpture, from the Renaissance to today, by such artists as Albrecht Dürer, Peter Paul Rubens, and Romare Bearden. Through these works the exhibition examines the emergence of an interpretation in which the image of Classical Antiquity is inextricably tied to Whiteness, as well as how this construction still pervades contemporary thinking about the ancient world.
The exhibition is curated by Kathryn Wilson, senior lecturer in the Department of Classics in Arts & Sciences at Washington University, in conjunction with her course “Race and Identity in Greco-Roman Antiquity,” offered in fall 2021.
Download the Teaching Gallery flyer
View the curator's website for the course and exhibition
Read the curator's blog post for the Center for the Humanities
View the HEC-TV story on the exhibition
Selected works

Thomas Ball
Freedom's Memorial
Romare Bearden
Black Venus
Nicholas Beatrizet
Bas-reliefs from the Arch of Constantine, from Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae
C Painter
Siana Cup
560–550 BC
Rosso Fiorentino
Pluto with Cerberus at His Feet (verso: Mercury)
16th century
Cornelius Cort
Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh
Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Peña
The Smyrna Girls
Raoul Dufy
Aphrodite aux papillons (Aphrodite with Butterflies)
c. 1938
Albrecht Dürer
Christ on the Cross
Anne-Louis Girodet de Rouçy-Trioson
The Meeting of Aeneas with Anchises in the Elysian Fields
Hasselmann Painter
450–430 BC
Retouched counterproof of Parade of the Captured Chiefs
School of Orazio Fontana
How Cadmus Killed the Serpent
c. 1540
Jan van der Straet (known as Stradanus)
The Arrest of St. Paul, from the series Acta Apostolorum (Acts of the Apostles)
published c. 1643–46
Unknown (Greco-Roman)
300 BC–300 AD
Unknown (Greek, Attic)
500–490 BC
Unknown (Greek, Attic)
Squat Lekythos
Early 4th Century BC
Evariste Luminais
The Fleeing Gaul
before 1880Teaching Gallery
The Teaching Gallery is a space in the Kemper Art Museum dedicated to presenting works from the Museum's collection with direct connections to Washington University courses. Teaching Gallery installations are intended to serve as parallel classrooms and can be used to supplement courses through object-based inquiry, research, and learning. Learn more