Carmon Colangelo
On the Margins

Carmon Colangelo with essays by Eleanor Heartney and Paul Krainak
War and disaster have shaped the first years of the 21st century, both in the United States and throughout the world. On the Margins brings together a culturally diverse group of international artists whose work addresses contemporary social and political conditions through a wide spectrum of styles and media. Through a range of aesthetic strategies and effects—from the confrontational, to the humorous, to the quietly elegiac—they consider the ways in which war and conflict around the world impact—or fail to impact—our everyday life. A diverse lineup of artists is included: Adel Abidin, Laylah Ali, Paolo Canevari, Enrique Chagoya, Willie Cole, Luis Cruz Azaceta, Willie Doherty, Jane Hammond, Martha Rosler, and Do-Ho Suh. The exhibition catalog includes essays by Eleanor Heartney and Paul Krainak addressing the themes and artworks in the exhibition, as well as an illustrated checklist and artist biographies.
Cloth 64 pp.
ISBN 978-0-936316-24-6
Distributed by University of Chicago Press